European Travel

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Rothenburg ob der Tauber

Rothenburg ob der Tauber
August 2009

Rothenburg ob der Tauber is an enchanting Medeval City on the Romatic Road. It is famous for the legend of the "Meistertrunk". This legend tells the story of the citizens of Rothenburg holding out against the larger troops for many days, finally they are taken over by the Catholic troop general named Tilly. At the surrender meeting, Tilly wants to hang the council members of their resistance. He proposes to let the council members keep their lives if one amongst them can finish the 31/2 liter tankard of ale. Mayor Nusch accepts the challenge and is successful. The city rejoices and holds a festival comemmerating the success every year. The square pictured here offers visitors a little bit of the legend with the artistic clock on the gable of the Ratsherrntrinkstube, dated 1683.

The city buildings surround the main square. In the top left of this picture, you'll notice a bell tower. We climbed to the very top! It is an amazing view, but the climb was the interesting part. At the top most stair case, you anxiously await your turn to alight the 12 rung ladder through a tiny little trap door leading you to a "one person across" viewing platform. I was sure we'd all (Colin) would just pitch over the edge.

When we descended and emerged once again on the square, I was so relieved. (see picture below)

Another essential item of every trip is to try the local food. In Rothenburg, it's the Scneeballen, it taste something like a fried wonton with powdered sugar sprinkled all over it. It's good, but not as good as the Bratwurst.

The boys enjoyed the dugeons and the torture museum.

At night, around 9 o'clock PM, the night watchman emerges to make his rounds of on the city wall. He makes his way through the town, keeping a watchful eye, and cutting really BAD jokes. Ryan LOVED it!!

August 2009, Rothenburg ob der Tauber --The next day we walked to entire wall. It is such a pretty town, we are sure to be back.

Rhine River

Cruising in the Rhine River Valley

The famous Rhine River Valley of Germany is perhaps, one of the most beautiful places we've seen to date. It is no wonder people hundreds of years earlier sought out and conquered this land for themselves. As you cruise through the valley, you're treated to a wonderful view of over 30 castles perched on the cliffs. We stayed in the village of Oberwesel Whose castle is but a ruin.
However, just a few miles north is Castle Mark Castle. This particular castle is unique because it is so well preserved. Due to it location and political flexibility it Remained unattacked during the years. It was pretty cool to see all the furnishings and tapestries.

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