European Travel

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Pinterest: Inspiration or Desperation?

Is anyone else out there that feels  incompetent  after viewing pinterest??  I know that I am easily over whelmed and pinterst makes my senses go haywire.  That being said I am ADDICTED to the site!!  My mother always warned about comparing yourself with others, “There will always be others greater and lesser persons than yourself,” she wisely quoted from the Desiderata .  Here are some of my favorite pinterest rabbit holes I followed.  Two are from some awesome friends of mine.

 Take this one:

This mother of 5 transformed her sons' lego instruction sheets into cool, fabulously organized binders.  In my world this should be a headline on the evening news!  I find these woman amazing!

Or this one:

This is a wonderful blog!  This mother shares here lesson plans and other cool freebies for those of us with inadequacies.   Don’t miss the completely organized shelving area behind her super cool Viking ship!  Truly amazing!!

How about this crafty mom?

This mother of 3 makes time in here day to quilt with her children!!  She also has a fantastic blog   Check it out!  I actually feel quite proud to know her and have been part of a wonderful homeschool at our last home.  She also is the creator of Speed card a wonderful way to reinforce multiplication facts and tons of other math concepts.  Plus it’s an online App for ipad.  How cool is that?

Another of my amazing friends woodworking shop class!!

This mother of 3 makes time to host star gazing classes, wood working 101, and a history co op in her home and includes other families.  Check her out too!  Here’s another personal friend to whom I owe a great deal of gratitude.  I am way beyond being just impressed, kinda in awe. 

I must confess my jealously is out of complete envy for those individuals to whom the talent of “follow through” was bestowed in high numbers.  This is not one of my strengths.  I tend to get super excited about a project and then digress into wastefulness.  I waste my money, my time and my energy trying to live up to some crazy standard.   

I want to live at Downton Abbey and have a basement full of people managing my day!

How about you?  Do you struggle to follow through with your ideas and plans?  Do you know other terrific ladies with talents?  Share them with us here so we can celebrate their talents and be inspired!


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